

Play & Pause: Pre-recorded content presented by a topic expert which you can revisit as you wish.

Timely updates

Stay on top of the latest developments. With 50 new webinars released each month, we scan the regulatory horizon so you don’t have to.

Flexible learning

All content can be accessed at home or at work from any device – phone, tablet or laptop. Ideal for those working remotely.

Expert insight

Our expansive roster of experts cover thousands of different topics, sharing their unrivalled expertise.

How it works

⁠All webinars are pre-recorded to ensure the quality of content and elimination of any technical glitches. Streamed on the advertised date they remain available to watch for an additional 90 days.

Webinars are the ideal option for those looking to develop their knowledge whilst keeping costs down. All webinars come with an unlimited user licence, allowing everyone at your organisation to view them on demand following the release date.

Downloadable resources in the form of PDF course notes are provided, meaning the learning doesn’t need to stop when the webinar does. These materials can be used to make notes or refer back to specific points as required.

A certificate of attendance will be provided for those who are required to evidence their CPD activity to a professional body. Upon completion of a webinar, you will be presented with 4 questions to demonstrate your understanding. If you achieve 3 out of 4 correct answers you will receive a certificate confirming successful completion of the questions.

If you would like more information on our webinars, or are looking for a webinar covering a specific topic, then please give us a call on 0161 793 0984 (Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm UK) or email information@mblseminars.com.

Equally, we would love to hear from you if you would like to suggest a new webinar subject.

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More than 162,639 clients have given us their feedback

Sonya S | London

The MBL webinars are always helpful and informative.

Victoria W | Reading

Excellent webinar - full of useful information and pragmatic tips, all clearly presented. Thanks!

Anthony M | Scarborough

Hannah was excellent and this is probably one of the most engaging webinars I have attended recently.

William T | Cambridge

Excellent webinar. Clear, educational, entertaining.

Kirsty G | Brighton

Great webinar and resources as always!

Karolina R | Hertford

Video and audio was of very good quality. The presenter was also informative and easy to understand.

Jennyfer F | Cardiff

Very satisfied with the service. Good quality of the videos. Interesting information.

Ronald L | Reading

Outstanding educational webinars.

Harriet S | Kidderminster

Another informative and interesting webinar from a wonderful presenter.

Eve L | Staffordshire

Excellent webinar. Engaging and informative; one of the best I've watched.

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