
The 'New' NPPF - Key Planning Changes

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The 'New' NPPF - Key Planning Changes

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This webinar will provide an update on the latest changes brought in by the Government to the NPPF and how this will impact housing, land supply and planning decisions going forward.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • How much has actually changed in the NPPF as distinct from changes brought in by the Levelling Up Act?
  • Local planning authorities still need to show a five year supply of deliverable housing, but in some case may only need to show four
  • Targets are now advisory rather than mandatory, but, you will need exceptional reasons for departing from them
  • 35% uplift for cities
  • Density in urban areas to be increased unless it is inappropriate
  • Planning conditions to refer to clear an accurate plans
  • Design guidance should be given in plans
  • No requirement to review green belt
  • National Development Management Policies to be taken into account as well as local development plans
  • Prioritising housing for elderly people and community led housing
  • Designing for beauty and the environment

This webinar was recorded on 13th February 2024

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The 'New' NPPF - Key Planning Changes
