Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas & TPOs - A Guide to Planning Controls
Great session, very informative. | Very interesting and informative. An excellent speaker. | Thank you David - most interesting!
This live broadcast session will enable you to understand in more detail the additional protection above the normal planning rules afforded to listed buildings, conservation areas and trees.
We will explore the problems created by the fact there is no appeal against the listing of a building, making of a conservation area or tree preservation notice.
This session will consider the possible impact of the proposed reforms in the Government’s White Paper published in August. Particular attention will be given to the proposed reform of S 106 and CIL; affordable housing; protection of heritage assets: and Permission in Principle.
All proposed changes to Permitted Development rights as a result of COVID-19 will be dealt with.
In addition, the proposals for upward extensions, insistance on proper lighting standards together with New Homes and Building with Beauty will be considered.
The new Government has swiftly announced major changes to planning policy and law.
A completely revised NPPF has been issued for consultation with only an 8 week period for consultation. Major changes proposed are:
- Housing targets being mandatory not advisory
- New “Grey Belt“ land which can be developed in the Green belt
- Housing numbers increased for some Authorities by 100%
- All references to beauty deleted and good design emphasized
- Proposal for Planning fees to be increased
- Planning and Infrastructure Bill and English Devolution Bill to be placed before Parliament
These matters will all be considered in this seminar.
What You Will Learn
The live broadcast will cover:
- Listed buildings
- What is listed?
- Effect of listing; no appeal?
- What work can you carry out to a listed building?
- Enforcement powers of Historic England and LPA
- Conservation areas and how are they created?
- What does it mean to be in a conservation area?
- What works can you do to buildings in a conservation area and can you appeal?
- What enforcement powers does the LPA have?
- Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty
- Trees
- How are they protected?
- What types of TPO are there
- What enforcement powers does the LPA have?
- Can you appeal?
- An update on the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill
Recording of live sessions: Soon after the Learn Live session has taken place you will be able to go back and access the recording - should you wish to revisit the material discussed.