
An Introduction to Key Writing Skills for Professional Practice

An Introduction to Key Writing Skills for Professional Practice

Available on demand

Single User Add Users

With a SmartPlan £200 £25

With a Season Ticket £250 £50

Standard price £300 £75

All prices exclude VAT
Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
0.5 hours


This 30-minute e-learning programme will provide those new to professional practice with an invaluable introduction to key writing skills when corresponding with internal colleagues and clients.

What You Will Learn

Split into 3 sessions with learning outcomes, interactive learning activities, knowledge checks and key reminder messages, the programme covers the following:

  • Uses for written documents and key skills for writing
  • Structure of written communications
  • Punctuation and grammar

You can take each session at your own pace, picking up where you left off and are able to see your progress throughout.

The programme concludes with an assessment. Your score will be recorded and 'super-user' reporting functionality for the organisation as a whole is available in the MBL learning platform.