
Repair, Service Charge Costs & Dilapidations - With Sarah Thompson-Copsey

Repair, Service Charge Costs & Dilapidations - With Sarah Thompson-Copsey

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1.25 hours
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The word ‘repair’, an ordinary English word, is central to both commercial landlords’ and tenants’ covenants to repair; it impacts not just on what must be done, but how much can be charged in terms of on-going service charges as well as the level of damages for failure to return the property in good repair at the end of the lease.

So, what does ‘repair’ really mean, what are the practicalities of a covenant to repair and how best to advise tenants and landlords looking to resolve such issues expeditiously and cost effectively?

This webinar looks at practical steps for both parties.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Repair: the impact of ‘good condition’, the length of the lease, the age of the property & the changing needs of the property market
  • Must the landlord be reasonable in its demands of the tenant in dilapidations and as to the costs of its works in service charges?
  • MEES and commercial leases: how relevant in light of governmental changes?
  • RAAC remediation: whose responsibility and cost?
  • This webinar was recorded on 8th February 2024

    You can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email webinarsubscription@mblseminars.com for more details.

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Repair, Service Charge Costs & Dilapidations - With Sarah Thompson-Copsey
