1954 Act Renewal Terms - Current Guidance & Recent Case Law
Available to view from 23 Sep 2024
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1954 Act Renewal Terms - Current Guidance & Recent Case Law
How much can a renewal lease under the 1954 Act be changed from its current terms? What is meant by the Act’s requirement to have ‘regard to the terms of the current tenancy and to all relevant circumstances’ given that that the courts have made it clear that the parties are not bound ‘to the terms of the current tenancy in any permanent form’?
This webinar draws practical lessons from recent cases, where the courts have had to consider the impact of a changing market and statutory regulation on lease terms.
What You Will Learn
This webinar will cover the following:
- Entitlement to a new lease: RBKC v Mellcraft
- Rent: more guidance on getting the comparables right: Sterling v Dunelm; Old Street v GB Healthcare
- New break rights & when operable: the High Court in BM Retail v HSBC; BMW(UK) v K Group
- The impact of MEES obligations on repair and service charge clauses: lessons from recent cases
- The Law Commission review and consultation on the 1954 Act
This pre-recorded webinar will be available to view from Monday 23rd September 2024
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