
US Citizens in the UK - Avoiding the Tax Traps

US Citizens in the UK - Avoiding the Tax Traps

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Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
0.75 hours
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In an increasingly internationally mobile world, many individuals living in the UK also have a connection with the US and post-Brexit the numbers are likely to increase. Such individuals and their advisers can find themselves subject to two complex and comprehensive tax regimes and structures popular in the US can prove problematic in the UK.

This new webinar will help accountants, lawyers, wealth planners and others advising US citizens in the UK to spot some unexpected but common problems these individuals can face and will provide guidance in navigating the interaction of the two tax systems.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • The ‘accidental Brit’ - domicile is not always what it seems
  • US / UK tax treaties - traps for the unwary
  • Trusts for US citizens - risks and options
  • The remittance basis - the timing trap
  • UK homes for US citizens
  • Investments for US citizens - the problem with PFICs and offshore income gains

This webinar was recorded on 24th November 2020

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