
Charities & Premises - Tips & Traps Explored

Intermediate: Requires some prior subject knowledge
0.5 hours
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Charities & Premises - Tips & Traps Explored

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When charities are seeking to efficiently grow their work and capacity, sooner or later the subject premises comes to the fore.

Whether it is to accommodate staff and volunteers during the working week or to provide a place from which the charity’s activities can take place, the sourcing, acquisition, financing, and adaptation of premises becomes key for the charity’s function.

But how should they go about it and what are the major pitfalls that might inadvertently adversely affect the charity’s growth?

This short webinar will answer these questions and more.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Who should decide what is essential and what is not?
  • Preparing an initial budget and specification
  • An alternative to using agents?
  • Sharing space with others
  • Planning constraints
  • The specifics of leasehold properties
  • Options for financing the property
  • The pitfalls of short term lets on empty commercial premises
  • Rating relief and how not to lose it

This webinar was recorded on 3rd June 2024

You can gain access to this webinar and 1,700+ others via the MBL Webinar Subscription. Please email webinarsubscription@mblseminars.com for more details.

Charities & Premises - Tips & Traps Explored
