
An Introduction to RIDDOR - Know Your Responsibilities

An Introduction to RIDDOR - Know Your Responsibilities

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Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
0.25 hours


The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 requires the reporting of serious workplace incidents, occupational diseases, and dangerous occurrences. In this E-Learning programme you will explore the detail behind those requirements.

You will understand what needs to be reported, how it should be reported and the recording process that needs to be carried out.

What You Will Learn

With interactive learning activities, knowledge checks and key reminder messages, the programme covers the following:

  • The requirements under RIDDOR
  • A reportable event
    • Defining a serious workplace incident
    • Occupational diseases
    • Dangerous occurrences
    • What not to report
  • The reporting processes
    • How to make a report
    • What records to keep
    • Who is responsible for making a report
  • Using information gained from RIDDOR
    • The role of the Health and Safety Executive

You can take each section at your own pace, picking up where you left off and are able to see your progress throughout.

The programme concludes with an assessment. Your score will be recorded and 'super-user' reporting functionality for the organisation as a whole is available in the MBL learning platform.

An Introduction to RIDDOR - Know Your Responsibilities