
Family Companies & Corporation Tax - An Update

Family Companies & Corporation Tax - An Update

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Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
0.5 hours
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This short webinar will provide you with an update on the latest development for family companies when advising on corporation tax and how the increase applies in practice.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Increase in CT rates
  • Increase in dividend tax rates
  • The dividend route
  • Old dogs and new (old) tricks
    • Marginal rates are back
    • Associated companies are back
    • The future of the safe haven
  • Step back and consider: What are we trying to achieve?
    • Maximising relief
    • A walk through the new composite rates - net of CT, then net of Income Tax (and NICs where applicable)
    • A brief look at the Scottish position
    • Why dividends may not always be cheaper
    • Some examples - scenarios to look out for
  • Checklist of tax-favoured routes/opportunities for OMB companies and pitfalls
    • Mobile phones
    • Pensions
    • Childcare
    • Salary to family

This webinar was recorded on 28th July 2023

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Family Companies & Corporation Tax - An Update
