
Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Trees & Heritage Assets - What’s New?

Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Trees & Heritage Assets - What’s New?

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Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
Access for entire organisation


This webinar will provide an update on the planning system as it controls works which affect heritage assets including listed building, conservation areas, trees & heritage assets.

It will consider the key issues and bring you up to date with the latest guidance.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • What is protected in a listed building?
  • What constitutes a listed building (considering the latest Supreme Court decision in Dill)
  • Can you appeal against the listing of a building; the designation of a conservation area, or the making of a tree preservation order?
  • What are the limits of permitted development in a conservation area and a listed building?
  • What can you do to a protected tree?
  • What effect does the designation of an area as an SSI or an area of outstanding natural beauty have?
  • What might be the impact on heritage assets of the Government’s latest reforms of the planning system?
  • The impact of new class E permitted development rights on conservation areas will be considered
  • The changes in the revised NPPF and Environment Act will be considered

This webinar was recorded on 20th July 2022

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Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Trees & Heritage Assets - What’s New?
