
Passwords & 2FA - The Essentials

Passwords & 2FA - The Essentials

Available on demand

Single User Add Users

With a SmartPlan £100 £20

With a Season Ticket £125 £40

Standard price £150 £60

All prices exclude VAT
Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
0.25 hours


Passwords are an essential part of modern life. Every day we provide passwords to authenticate access to systems and services, both in the workplace and at home. Whilst passwords remain the most popular way that individuals connect to online services; weak, reused or rotated passwords will leave you exposed with the likelihood of an attack or breach.

A strong, unique password is better than a weak password at protecting your accounts but adding a second factor gives an added layer of protection.

This short e-learning programme will look at what makes a password secure and consider the use of password managers.

In addition, we will explore 2FA (two factor authentication) and the steps required to ensure that extra level of protection.

What You Will Learn

With interactive learning activities, knowledge checks and key reminder messages, the programme covers the following:

  • How passwords are hacked
  • Things to avoid
  • Complicated passwords & pass phrases
  • Password managers
  • Two factor authentication

You can take each section at your own pace, picking up where you left off and are able to see your progress throughout.

The programme concludes with an assessment. Your score will be recorded and 'super-user' reporting functionality for the organisation as a whole is available in the MBL learning platform.