
Land Transactions Involving Charities - The Latest Guidance

Land Transactions Involving Charities - The Latest Guidance

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Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
Access for entire organisation


Charities in England and Wales need to be aware of the requirements of the Charities Act 2011 (and the new Charities Act 2022) when dealing with property transactions and the additional obligations that it imposes on them, particularly when it comes to disposing of property and/or any transactions with ‘connected parties’. If these requirements are not complied with then the transaction could potentially be at risk.

This webinar will look at the legislation that affects charities when dealing with land transactions and the practical steps they need to take.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • A brief introduction of the different types of charities and how they can hold property
  • What the Charities Act requirements are for property transactions
  • Key points to check if acting for a charity in a land transaction. This will include:
    • A charity acquiring an interest in property
    • A charity taking a lease
    • A charity disposing of property
  • The differences between the provisions applying to exempt and non-exempt charities
  • The Charities Act requirements relating to mortgages
  • Consequences of non-compliance
  • Execution of Deeds on behalf of charities
  • What is a ‘connected party’ and what additional steps need to be taken when transactions involve a connected party
  • The changes being introduced by the new Charities Act 2022 (the relevant provisions are due to come into force around Spring 2023)

This webinar was recorded on 7th June 2023
