
Guarantee Companies - What, How & Why?

Guarantee Companies - What, How & Why?

Available to view on demand

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Introduction: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
Access for entire organisation


If you are new to guarantee companies, or only come across them from time to time, then you will benefit from this comprehensive webinar.

The webinar will explore what they are for, how they work and what to look out for when setting one up.

Please note that the session does not cover charity law or the law relating to right to manage or community interest companies.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • When to use a guarantee company
  • Funding a guarantee company
  • Key legal characteristics compared to share companies
  • The nature of membership
    • Admission, offers to the public and cessation of membership
    • The members' guarantee
    • Members' voting rights, and classes of membership
    • Restricting dividends, distributions on a winding up and payments to directors
  • Guarantee companies in a group
  • Specific situations - not-for-profit companies, charitable guarantee companies

This webinar was recorded on 28th August 2019