
The DEI Agenda - A Guide to Extraversion Bias for HR Professionals & People Managers

The DEI Agenda - A Guide to Extraversion Bias for HR Professionals & People Managers

Available to view on demand

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Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1 hour
Access for entire organisation


The need for diversity, equality and inclusion is now well cemented yet the extraversion bias has been referred to as ‘the last acceptable area of bias in business’ and is still not well understood.

This bias takes a toll on the mental health and wellbeing of introverts. Organisations unable to capitalise on valuable skills and talents also suffer.

This insightful and informative webinar will highlight where this bias typically exists in everyday processes and practices enabling you to make some immediate changes that create a more equitable and inclusive culture.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • How to define the extraversion bias
  • The scale of the problem and why you can’t afford to ignore it
  • How the bias affects introverts
  • Where to look for this bias in everyday processes and practices
  • How to level the playing field
  • How to hold the gains
  • What the longer-term benefits to the business are

This webinar was recorded on 13th October 2021