
Ogden Tables 8th Edition & Calculating Future Losses

Ogden Tables 8th Edition & Calculating Future Losses

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Update: Requires no prior subject knowledge
1.25 hours
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Facts and Figures helps practitioners and judges to calculate losses and this webinar will provide an introduction to the 27th Edition of the book, published in October 2022.

All sizeable personal injury claims now refer to the Ogden Tables to calculate future losses. The most recent (8th) edition of the table is included in the book and there are additional tables which extrapolate those figures for recurring losses and retirement at ages other than those given in the Ogden data.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • The new material introduced by the 8th Edition of the Ogden Tables
  • The capital loss element of accommodation claims
  • Updating analysis of wage rates for different occupation
  • An overview of pensions claims and the means of calculation using net figures
  • Consideration of the movement of the prices of goods and property
  • Care rates with reference to the aggravated, enhanced and standard rates
  • Deputyship costs and other expenses which may arise if the claimant lacks capacity
  • The implications of the recent rise of inflation and its impact on personal injury claims
  • The differential between the discount rate and the real return on money and implications for periodical payments and capital claims

This webinar was recorded on 21st February 2023
